Born Sinner, Born Gay

Eric Hogue

One of the most appreciated spiritual observations that I’ve read in some time floated itself inside of the blogosphere this week, and with very little notice by the marketplace.

Dr. Al Mohler serves as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Mohler penned a blog this week that asked the question; “Is your baby gay? What if you could know, and what if you could do something about it?”

Mohler is referencing the continual research that science is producing surrounding a discovery of a ‘gay gene’, and the growing possibility it may be discovered in short order and treated. I, for one, would not be bothered by such a genetic discovery.

Come to think about it, this discovery (not confirmed) might be a huge miracle for the church and our love relationship to this culture. If you seriously consider creation’s sinful origin, humans have been decaying since our original intent was corrupted by our birthed sinfulness.

With what we call generational sins, (genetic sinful decay), is it ‘radical’ to believe that some people are born without a choice in the matter, thus homosexual?

Dr. Mohler stated the possibility this way:

"Christians must be very careful not to claim that science can never prove a biological basis for sexual orientation. We can and must insist that no scientific finding can change the basic sinfulness of all homosexual behavior. The general trend of the research points to at least some biological factors behind sexual attraction, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This does not alter God’s moral verdict on homosexual sins, or heterosexual sins for that matter.”

I’m not a doctor, but in speaking with numerous individuals, friends and family who are homosexuals, they have expressed to me through their tears that they would do anything to not have the feelings, night dreams, fantasies or emotions for the same sex. They conclude, “I never wanted this, and I’ve asked Jesus to heal me – to change me, and nothing…I’m still who I am, a sexual identity that is homosexual.”

If you think about it, sexuality is a created element within the creation of mankind. We have ‘creation’ ability within each of us, the ability to reproduce. This ability is an 'image ability' of God in us, and it is a created element that has faced the consequences of the Fall.

As we procreate, we are reproducing from our sinful origin. If we, as creations, were once in perfect union with the embrace of Abba Father, and the corrupt Fall has removed us, decaying our bodies, our minds and our hearts. Doesn’t the same hold true for our DNA and genes?

As one of my listeners put it, “We believe in original sin. We believe that everyone born of Adam is inclined toward sin and cannot avoid it because it is part of their nature. In spite of this problem, we still believe that sin, our natural inclination, is wrong. If that inclination includes homosexuality in some people, it just further confirms original sin.”

Adam’s sin brought death, corruption and decay to the whole body, including a person’s DNA. We are born sinners, corrupt in our abilities; our bodies are prey to sinful temptations. Jesus’ grace and mercy meets us at the lowest point, and leads us out of the darkness of hopelessness and into righteousness.

So, in the end, does it really matter if people are born gay?

It doesn’t change my doctrine, theology or my determination to deal with the sin that hurts me, others, and grieves my Abba Father. It’s an amazing ‘watershed opinion’ offered by Dr. Albert Mohler, and I commend him on his integrity and courage.

Here’s hoping we can all welcome and love the homosexual better because of it.
