Girl Falls Into Manhole While Texting, Parents Sue

Jim Liebelt

I've already posted on the danger of texting while driving, but now we can add texting while walking to the list of dangers. I'm half-serious. Texting can be very distracting, so caution can rightly be placed on texting while doing anything that requires one's attention, like walking down a city street. Here's the news item...

15 year-old Alexa Longueira was walking along Victory Boulevard in Staten Island when she fell into an open manhole.

Why didn’t she see it? She was too intent on tapping out a text message to notice the gaping gap in the sidewalk and just dropped straight on in. Idiotic, yes, but now Alexa’s parents are trying to blame someone else for their daughter’s stupidity while making a little money into the bargain. They’re suing the city.

Source: Wired