Maybe Tomorrow

reviewed by Andrea Dawn Goforth
Style: Alternative/ pop/rock reflective of Missy Higgins, Bethany Dillon, A Fine Frenzy, and Ingrid Michelson.Top Tracks: "Give it Time" "Thinking of You" and "I'm Sorry for Me"

In a nutshell: This may be the first time you hear the name Molly Jenson, but it probably won't be the last. Jenson's quirky flair—both in style and lyrics—on her debut, Maybe Tomorrow, has landed her songs all over TV. She was even called "one of the three best new artists on Myspace" by Teen Vogue.

From the spacey "I'm Sorry for Me" to the rocked-out Plumb-like "The Edgy 8 Ball Song," Jenson's songs are captivating, charming, and full of life. While the album doesn't have overt spirituality, this believer's album is being distributed into the Christian market. (Jenson's label was founded by Christian author and producer Mark Joseph.) With all that's going for her, if you haven't heard of her yet, you will … maybe tomorrow.

—By Andrea Dawn Goforth