Here Come the Chariots

Dr. Ray Pritchard


After I sent out this week's sermon called Why Is Life So Hard?, I received an email from a good friend:

"We thought this was going to be the first time we would miss a mortgage payment and God provided just as the Egyptians were meeting us at the water. Still no job but I have been praying that our trials would be helping others. As Paul reminded me a couple weeks ago when I was reading this same section of 2 Corinthians, one more day and God is still faithful!"

That's how we all live. Some of us know it and some of us don't. The Egyptians are always closing in on us. Sometimes we can hear their chariots rumbling only a few feet away. God arranges life this way so that we will learn to trust him in desperate circumstances.

Hebrews 4:16 says that we receive grace to help in the time of need, which really means "grace to help in the nick of time."

If we weren't in trouble, we wouldn't pray.
If we didn't pray, we wouldn't see God move from heaven.
If God didn't move from heaven, we'd be in real trouble.

It's a good thing the Egyptians are meeting us at the water's edge or else we'd never see what God can do. 

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