The Holy Spirit = God = All You Need to Know

John Shore

We make Christianity entirely too complicated. The whole point of it is supposed to be as simple as a child's smile. In order to merge yourself with the full truth of God, you don't need a seminary degree, classes, sermons, home study tapes, the latest Christian bestseller, or anything else. All you need to be is alive, and you've automatically got, right there within you, virtually everything about God that you could possibly need to know.

"But the Counselor," says John 14:26, "the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you." [Italics mine.]

The Holy Spirit is God. Not part of God. Not an aspect of God. Not God Lite. Not God in any way modified particularly for your needs and limitations. Being a Christian means nothing less than constantly having within you the entirety of what God ever was, is, or will be. (We'll here let go the question of whether, or to what extent, the spirit of God does or doesn't dwell within the hearts of non-Christians---which is exactly the kind of superfluous question that Christians too often use to distract themselves from settling down and just being with God.)

That the indwelling Holy Spirit is fully God is as central to Christianity as the sacrifice of Jesus. Yet relatively it receives almost no attention.

In my next post, I'd like to explore why I think that is.

As always, I look forward to your own thoughts and comments.



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