Free At Last!

Everett Piper

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 As an educator, I am passionate about learning and I am passionate about ideas. And here is something I believe we have all learned about them: Ideas have tremendous potential and power. They are always directional. They never lie fallow but to the contrary they always bear fruit. Ideas matter. Ideas always have consequences.

In the inner sanctum of our hearts I believe we all intuitively know that there is really no such thing as moral neutrality. Some ideas are good and some are bad. Some lead to that which is right and just and real and some ideas lead to brokenness and dysfunction.

Education, thus, is not stagnant and it definitely does represent a journey that will take us somewhere. With our ideas, we are going in one of two directions: Either toward the forgiveness and freedom that only God's revelation can offer, or toward the bondage that always and inevitably results from man's "constructions" and opinions. In this context, education represents the path we have chosen for eternity.

Perhaps the psalmist says it best: "Teach me your ways O Lord and I will learn…to walk in your Truth." Our ways always result in slavery, treachery, and oppression. God's ways always lead to liberation and freedom: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Ideas matter. When we get on the right train and go in the right direction, we can celebrate and sing, "Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"