Laughed Out of The Room

Everett Piper

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Last week I challenged Al Gore for his duplicity in claiming that longitudinal cooling temperatures are somehow evidence of a warming climate.


In response I was chastised by a blogger named nihtcat. The tenets of his reprimand were: 1) I sound like a "Glen Beck wannabe", 2) I must be one of those "dinosaur bone deniers", and 3) I am obviously a proponent of young earth creationism. 


Finally, nihtcat suggested that my educational credentials do not qualify me to offer credible comment on outdoor temperatures and trends. 


You might find my response entertaining if not instructive.  Here goes…


"Your comments" I said, "essentially make my point without me having to say much more. 


Through the tired use of ad hominem attacks you show that when one lacks a cogent argument all that is left is to call people names and shoot the messenger.


This is not sound logic and far from good scholarship.


It's irrelevant whether I do or don't sound like Glenn Beck.


It doesn't matter what the age of the earth is.


Dinosaur bones have nothing do with how warm or cold it is now or will be in the future.


You are either being disingenuous in your use of fallacies or you are unaware of them. Either way, your responses show more of a closed mind than an open one.


Credentials aside (and what are Al Gore's by the way?) a thoughtful person does not spin data to his advantage so as to cover up his sloppy research nor does he stoop to name calling to cover up the weaknesses of his political agenda.


By the way - I would have been laughed out of the room had I used such biased data as Gore's in my doctoral work at Michigan State University."


So far I haven't heard back from nihtcat.