Ransomed Singing

Trevin Wax


The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing.
- Isaiah 35:10
“Houston, we have a problem.” Those famous words from the commander of the failed Apollo 13 mission in 1970 were immortalized by Tom Hanks in the successful movie version that told the story of the astronauts’ harrowing return back to earth.
The astronauts had a mission. They were going to the moon, but something went horribly wrong. They couldn’t fulfill their mission. They had to turn back, and the astronauts of Apollo 13 just barely made it back to earth alive.
We too were created for a mission. We were created to reflect the glory of our Creator God in how we relate, how we work, how we rest, and how we rule wisely over the earth.
Yet something has gone horribly wrong. We have rejected our mission and exchanged it for lies. We have chosen to reflect other things. We worship whatever is not God. “Houston, we have a problem.” And that sin problem has sent us spiraling out of control.
The good news is that God is mighty to save. He rescues us from our sin. He showers us with His mercy instead of His wrath. Jesus’ blood pays our ransom. Though sin may hold us back, flinging us back to earth and keeping us now from completely fulfilling our mission to glorify God, we hold fast to the promise of God – that “The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing.”
I love that verse. I want to soak in the truth of that verse… to let that promise fuel my obedience.
The day is coming when we will fully reflect the majesty and purity of the God in whose image we are made. That’s why we sing of His love now. We sing of His salvation. Soon we will glorify Jesus face to face – savoring His majesty, His righteousness, His love and grace for all eternity.
Kingdom people sing now of Christ’s salvation in anticipation of the day we will see Him face to face.