Ordinary to Extraordinary: Day Thirteen

Lori Freeland


Today I am wrapping up prayers for my middle son, Alek, and tomorrow my prayer focus shifts to my youngest child, and only daughter, Maddy.

In Acts 4:13, Peter and John rose  from ordinary status to extraordinary men just by following Jesus.

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled,

ordinary men,

they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."


Dear Alek,

Never settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary. Maybe your thing isn't to work at a desk job nine to five. Maybe you need to be out there doing a job that takes you exciting places. Pray about what God has equipped you to do. He gave you a unique set of skills and talents that are just Alek. Together with your personality and your experiences, that makes you one of a kind. Pretty cool, huh? I think so. I'm so glad you're a part of this family. How did I get so lucky?



Lord, show Alek how unique and awesome he is. Point out what's special about him. Lead him in a direction that takes him somewhere he never imagined he'd go. And always, always, stand next to him in whatever he does. Thank you for knowing his future when I don't. Thank you for loving him, accepting him, and protecting him.

If you missed any posts, you can find them here.

Take a Spin Down Intercession Lane and Change the Life of a Child

Prayer Moves Mountains: Day One

Look to the Hills: Day Two

You Must Ask: Day Three

Take Captive Every Thought: Day Four

You Are Not Alone: Day Five

Quit Looking at the Old: Day Six

Revisit Your Blessings: Day Seven 

What Does God Have For You? Day Eight

The Greatness of our God: Day Nine

A New Spin on Purity: Day Ten

You are Not Invisible: Day Eleven

Go After the Best Blessings: Day Twelve