Once was blind, but now I see

April Motl


 He had been blind from birth. The culture of his day considered anyone who was handicapped, poor and needy as those cursed by God because of their sin. The culture felt the state of the needy was God’s punishment. As Jesus passed the blind man on the street, His disciples asked Jesus if the

man’s blindness was due to his sin or his parents’ sin. Jesus told them it was not because of sin the man was blind, but so that God might be glorified.As He bent to heal the man’s eyes, Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.” The man believed Jesus and worshipped Him. His life became a testimony to the very character of Christ.

Has Jesus touched your life in such a way that you now bear the testimony of His character? This man knew Jesus as the Light of the world, because Jesus had opened his eyes and become his Light. Think about your relationship with Him. Prepare your testimony of how God has touched you. If you haven’t yet had this sort of relationship with the Lord, ask Him to reveal Himself to you in this way. Think about the area of your life that seems the darkest, most blind, or broken and ask Him to come into that area with His light.
Read John 9

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