8 Business Tips from Jack Welch

Trevin Wax

The reality of common grace means there is truth to be found and lessons to be learned in all sorts of places. I recently read Winning, a business book with candid advice from Jack Welch (longtime chief of General Electric).

Here are a few highlights worth sharing:

1. Focus on concrete behaviors, not vague values.

“A good mission statement and a good set of values are so real they smack you in the face with their concreteness. The mission announces exactly where you are going, and the values describe the behaviors that will get you there. Speaking of that, I prefer abandoning the term values altogether in favor of just behaviors.”

2. The more candid you are, the faster you will be.

“Candor generates speed. When ideas are in everyone’s face, they can be debated rapidly, expanded and enhanced, and acted upon. That approach—surface, debate, improve, decide—isn’t just an advantage, it’s a necessity in a global marketplace.”

3. Leadership success isn’t about you.

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

4. Don’t try to make everyone happy.

“You are not a leader to win a popularity contest—you are a leader to lead. Don’t run for office. You’re already elected.”

5. Clearly articulate the purpose of change.

“Attach every change initiative to a clear purpose or goal. Change for change’s sake is stupid and enervating.”

6. Don’t just ponder. Get moving!.

“If you want to win, when it comes to strategy, ponder less and do more.”

7. Give up the idea of a career plan and get ready for an adventure.

It is virtually impossible to know where any given job will take you. In fact, if you meet someone who has faithfully followed a career plan, try not to get seated beside him at a dinner party. What a bore!”

8. Try to find a job that challenges you.

“Any new job should feel like a stretch, not a layup.”