The Real Housewives of Duck Dynasty

Kelly Givens

Most of the attention Duck Dynasty gets is on its male “cast.” However, as Sharon Hodde Miller writes, “behind every strong redneck duck-hunter is a strong Christian woman.”

The women of Duck Dynasty don’t figure as prominently in the show as the men, however, their influence and appeal are hard to miss. They set great examples of what strong, respected Christian wives and women look like. They seem to have their own entrepreneurial spirit and unique gifts, and all are respected and adored by their husbands. As Miller explains,

Although Duck Dynasty sometimes defaults to gender stereotypes—i.e. the "citified" daughters-in-law who hate to hunt, or the slacker husbands who want to squander the day fishing and not showering—the characters are both loving and deep. The women of Duck Dynasty are not wallflowers, subservient doormats, or flat types. Each woman on the show has contours, has a voice, and serves as an important partner to her husband.

That's what I love most about Duck Dynasty. Of all the shows on television right now, Duck Dynasty is one of the few that does not objectify women, but portrays them as whole persons. Furthermore, it pushes back against shallow stereotypes of Christian womanhood. The Robertson women are not cookie cutter look-alikes. They're not all stay-at-home moms, or incredible cooks, or silent submissives. Korie is a businesswoman without a knack for cooking or sewing, and Miss Kay wields a gentle yet authoritative power in the family. As the two main female characters, Korie and Miss Kay are not cut from the same cloth, but each woman has her own strengths, her own areas of influence, and her own expressions of self. And amidst this diversity, each embodies the biblical image of a woman "clothed in strength and dignity" (Prov. 31:25).

What a stark contrast to the way women are often portrayed in our media. It’s refreshing to see strong, independent women who also respect their husbands and work together with them for the good of their families.

As we’ve written before, the Robertson family is in a unique position to share the gospel with their millions of viewers. Though the message might sometimes be overshadowed by the medium, I think viewers keep tuning in because they see something truly real about the Robertson family. While Christians are often represented as stuffy, judgmental, holier-than-thou (yes, all stereotypes we’ve earned), the Robertson family is none of those things. They’re hilarious, warm, loving and generous. These families—and the women in them—are incredibly important in helping to recast America’s view of the Christian family.

What do you think? Who’s your favorite lady in the Duck Dynasty clan?

Kelly Givens is the editor of