"Give Me One Thing More"

Dr. Ray Pritchard

"Thou that hast giv’n so much to me,
Give one thing more, a gratefull heart.”
George Herbert (1633)

These slightly archaic words were written almost 400 years ago and yet they speak to us with great power today. They remind us that a grateful heart is one of God’s best gifts.

We do not become grateful by trying to be grateful.
We can "count our blessings, name the one by one"
And still be grumpy on this Thanksgiving Day.

So let us pray as George Herbert prayed:

Lord, grant that I would not go through this happy day
Grumpy, frustrated, irritated, quick-tempered,
Pressured, stressed, frazzled, with a sharp tongue,
Making those around me walk on eggshells.

You have been so good to me!
I have made it through another year,
Above ground, still breathing.
You have ordained my steps
You have led me on the way
You have not failed me–not once!

I a beggar have found the Living Bread,
I the thirsty drink the Living Water,
I who was lost have been found,

You have taken my fearful feet
And placed them on Solid Rock.
You surround me with good things
Your light has led me through the night

Every prayer has been answered
Even your refusals have been good for my soul.

Shall I repay your kindness with a grumpy spirit?
No! I pray the same as old George Hebert.
You have given me so many things.
Give me one thing more on this Thanksgiving Day.
A grateful heart.

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