Paul Tripp: "This is what I love about the Psalms"

Paul Tautges

You and I were not hardwired to make our way through this fallen world on our own. We were meant to exist with eyes filled with the beauty of [God’s] presence and hearts at rest in the lap of his goodness. This is what I love about the Psalms. They put difficulty and hope together in the tension of hardship and grace that is the life of everyone this side of eternity. It is not hard to recognize the environment of the Psalms. The Psalms live in your city, on your street, in your family. The Psalms tell your story. It is a story of hope and disappointment, of need and provision, of fear and mystery, of struggle and rest, and of God’s boundless love and amazing grace. People in the Psalms get angry, grow afraid, cry out in confusion, survive opposition, hope for better days, hurt one another, run from God, trust in God, make foolish choices, ask for forgiveness, and grow wiser and stronger. They are people just like you and me. [Paul David Tripp, Shelter in the Time of Storm, Crossway, 2009]