She Decided, Today is Different

Nicki Koziarz

It’s the same stupid fight again and again.

You were supposed to stop by the store; I was supposed to pick this kid up.

It’s the redundant load of laundry again and again.

The missing socks, the torn jeans, and the spaghetti stained shirt.

It’s the predictable drive to and from work again and again.

Wait for the light to turn green, pause for the train, make that last phone call of the day.

It’s the expected social media feed.

I’m mad at the government, no one likes me, see where I am and you’re not.

Dear life, you can wear a girl’s passion down.

But then that same girl lays her head on her pillow; she drifts off to sleep, dreaming of being in another place, in another season. The moon drifts over her house. And then the sun peeks through her blinds at a very early hour.

And something is stirred within her…

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” –Isaiah 43:19


Sometimes life needs a new rhythm.

{For I am about to do something new.}

Sometimes routines need to be bumped. 

{See, I have already begun.}

Sometimes spreading ourselves so thin makes it impossible to fully involve ourselves with the things we once loved. {Do you not see it?}

When we find ourselves in the ruts of the wilderness need different path. And some days we need to just wake up and with a conscious decision that today is the day something is going to be different.

Because we forget the power of the Gospel message, how following Jesus isn’t meant to just make us feel better. It’s a path of continual renewal.

And when life’s paths become passionless often we replace theology with therapy.

Retail therapy. Vitamin D therapy. Friend therapy. Project therapy. Food therapy.

The world offers us a slew of paths to make our lives more fulfilling. But at the end of each of those paths is the same result: more wilderness.

But we, as followers of Jesus, are not looking for the same path everyone else travels down. We are looking for a new way the midst of normalness.

We need a path that leads from faith to faith.  

{I will make a pathway through the wilderness…}

On the path of faith to faith, we can find God in the mundane-every-day moments of life. 

{I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.}

So today, I’m making a decision to stay on the path of faith to faith. It allows me to find hope in the expectation of the possibility that today can be different.

Today can be the day of new beginnings.

Today can be the day of renewal. 

Today can be the day of an increased presence of God in our lives. 

Today can be the day we just decide, its going to be different. 

I pray you’ll join me…

Conversation: What do you wish could be different about your life today? I'd love for you to leave a comment and share your thoughts on this topic.