Quiz: Which 'Biblical World Cup' Player are You? Staff

Just in time for Wome's World Cup mania comes the newest online quiz from Which 'Biblical World Cup' Player are You?

This fun, informal online quiz compares your personality to one of the Bible's heroes whose skills would be quite welcome at the highest level of competitive soccer. Are you like Elijah, faster than a chariot down the pitch, but a mite depressed if you lose the match? Or are you more like Peter, not at all concerned about a rain-flooded field because you can literally rise above it? (We'll just hope if you get Moses it's not because you have no hope of reaching 'the Promised Land'...)

Be sure to leave your results - as well as whether you agree or disagree (and who you're rooting for in the real Women's World Cup!) - in the comments below. And don't forget to share with friends! If you want to explore more about these biblical heroes and the things they did, please visit

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