May Thanksgiving be our everyday (not just a holiday)

Anne Dahlhauser

The turkey and potatoes have been shoved

into used sour cream containers

and stacked in the refrigerator.

The family has smiled together

for pictures, packed their bags,

and headed back to routine.


It’s the week after Thanksgiving.

Just a few days ago,

we sat with family and friends

and renewed our commitment to be thankful.

We remembered the reasons we praise God,

the big ones and the little ones. We satisfied

our spirits and stomachs with abundance

and counted blessings.


And the fullness lingered for a day, maybe two.


Then, the leftovers disappear and

the pictures get buried on our newsfeeds.


But may there be more that lingers this year.

May the little things

be cherished,

and the warmth of family

be kept close.


May whispered thanks

overshadow the grumbles

of discontent.


May real joy

be pursued-

never traded off for the flashes

of happiness.


May simplicity be simply enough.


May thankfulness be an intentional action,

this giving of thanks,

in the midst real living and real



May we be

a thankful people,

a grateful people, and not just

full people.


Real lives,

with wounds and scars, joys and victories,

who determine to bat their way through

the heaviness in order to focus on the light,

on hope,

on God,

day in and day out.


This year, may Thanksgiving last long and mark

a beginning of gratitude-clinging

for me and for you.


This year, may our hearts celebrate


and resolutely

that which cannot eaten up

or used up -

but the One who is worthy

of being lifted up –
