Somebody Loves You - May 18

WEDNESDAY 18 May, 2016


Now a messenger came to David, saying,
“The hearts of the men of Israel are with Absalom.” - 2 Samuel 15:13

Word finally reached David’s ears of Absalom’s treachery. He had successfully persuaded all the men of Israel to believe in him. He had gained their complete allegiance and had turned their hearts away from trusting their king. He was able to build for himself an army of traitors from within his father’s ranks. These men came together, unified for one purpose only, to destroy David and anyone who stood in loyalty with him.

God hates treachery and those who have gone down that path have met with an untimely death. Haman was treachous in his dealings with the Jews. Like Absalom, he also thought too highly of himself and wanted others to bow down to him. When Mordecai, the Jew, refused to bow he set about to destroy the Jewish nation (Esther 3:1-6).

Haman’s pride had been hurt and he became vengeful. He made his own plans and thought to hang Mordecai. God in his sovereignty used Queen Esther’s intercession for her people and it was Haman, in the end that was hung from the gallows (Esther 7).

Judas was another well-known betrayer. Greed of money led him to tell the religious leaders where to find Jesus. He was paid twenty pieces of silver and kissed Jesus in a final act of betrayal (Luke 22:1-6, 47). What was this traitor’s end? He hung from a rope until it broke and the impact spilled his entrails on the ground (Acts 1:18).Yet, Christ had loved him to the very end (John 13:1, 21).

Absalom was greatly loved by his father despite his acts of treason. Where will his chosen path of treachery end?

Every sin is an act of cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereign authority.”
~R.C. Sproul~

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