A Straight Path

Jason Soroski



Do you ever feel like you are drifting the wrong direction?  You are praying, reading Scripture, living the best you know how and yet things still seem to be falling apart around you?

Yep, me too.

Yet I pulled up my email this morning to find an unexpected encouragement that I am on the right track. It was just an encouragement, nothing more, but the fact that it these kind of things periodically come out of nowhere, and have nothing to do with me trying to make things work out the way I think they should is a reminder that God's plan for me and my family does not rise and fall on my effort.

Sometimes it can feel that what we do and why we do it are maybe 'not enough', and sometimes it feels like we are simply going the wrong way; swimming hard against the current, inching backwards. But God is faithful to give us a nudge in the right direction when needed, and remind us that He is gently guiding us forward down a straight path. Praying that your Monday is meaningful!   

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