How Now Shall We Live?

Christianity is more than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is also a worldview that not only answers life's basic questions
  • Where did we come from, and who are we?
  • What has gone wrong with the world?
  • What can we do to fix it?
But Charles Colson, the commentator for the nationally syndicated radio program, BreakPoint, contends that the Christian worldview also shows us how we should live as a result of those answers. How Now Shall We Live? gives Christians the understanding, the confidence, and the tools to confront the world's bankrupt views and to restore and redeem every aspect of contemporary culture: family, education, ethics, work, law, politics, science, art, music.

At, we would like to give you the opportunity to study this important book with others who support your Christian worldview. Sign up for the email version of the daily BreakPoint Newsletter through, and each day you will receive one of the questions from the Study Guide for How Now Shall We Live?

Each week, we will provide sample questions from the study guide so you can begin to apply what you've learned from the book.

Chapter 1

1. How has failing to see Christianity as a worldview crippled Christians?
2. What is the difference between saving grace and common grace?
7. According to Chapter 2, what is a worldview?
8. What are the three questions that form the grid through which all worldviews can be evaluated?
9. What is the basis for the Christian worldview?
11. What are the great commission and the cultural commission? How do we "engage the world"?

Chapter 2

1. According to chapter 3, what is naturalism? How is it opposed to theism?
2. What is relativism, and why is it a component in a naturalistic worldview?
5. In what sense are we living in a post-Christian world?
8. According to chapter 4, what is pre-evangelism?
10. What is the role of the mind in the life of discipleship? What is the state of the "Christian mind" today?
11. What is the mission of the church?

Chapter 3

2. According to chapter 6, in what ways is the dominant view in our culture today "radically one-dimensional"?
3. Is naturalistic science neutral and objective? Why not?
4. How does naturalistic science, like religion, begin with certain faith assumptions?
5. In what ways did Carl Sagan's Cosmos attempt to provide a substitute for the Christian religion?
6. In what ways are Americans today being encouraged to believe in science as a religion?
7. According to chapter 7, what is big bang theory, and how can Christians use it to encourage belief in God?
9. How does the world as it presently exists strongly suggest that it was designed by the Creator?

Chapter 4

1. According to chapter 8, how do scientists' attempts to create life in a test tube demonstrate that life is not a product of chance interactions of molecules?
2. How does the discovery of DNA support the idea of design and creation?
5. According to chapter 9, what is Darwinism?
6. How have studies in animal breeding actually served to discredit Darwinism?
9. In the face of so much contradictory evidence, why do naturalistic scientists continue to hold on to Darwinism?

Chapter 5

3. According to chapter 12, what are the main differences between the Christian and the naturalistic views of human life?
4. In what ways might we say that ours has become a "culture of death"? How did we become this way?
6. What do we mean when we say "Abortion has always been about more than abortion"?
7. What's wrong with the "choice" argument?
8. According to chapter 13, in what ways does the Christian worldview provide a basis for the dignity of human life?
9. How does the Christian worldview provide meaning and purpose for life?
10. How does the Christian worldview provide hope for the future?
11. How does the Christian worldview motivate us to serve others?

Chapter 6

1. According to chapter 15, what has been the effect on humanity of Adam and Eve's first sin?
2. What do Enlightenment thinkers propose as the cause of the human dilemma? What are some examples of this?
6. According to chapter 17, what is meant by a "utopian vision of a new age"?
8. According to chapter 18, in what ways are many Americans today caught up in the myth of utopianism?
9. How does the utopian myth appear in each of the following: psychology, education, law, welfare, criminal justice.
10. How does the denial of sin ultimately make us vulnerable to the schemes of social planners?

(Questions reprinted with permission from Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.)

Please visit our study group's Forums for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 to discuss the study questions and your responses with other Christians.

  • Click here to purchase How Now Shall We Live?
  • Click here to purchase the How Now Shall We Live? Study Guide
  • To read the book review, click here.