Where Is Jesus When We Need Him?

Dr. Ray Pritchard

We have just posted a new Easter sermon:

Where Is Jesus When We Need Him?

Here is an excerpt:

We all live somewhere between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We are on the long Emmaus Road journey together. There are times when we feel alone and overwhelmed and doubts creep in and our heart gives way and we feel like we can’t go on. Then Jesus comes to us and says, "You are not alone. You never were alone. Even when you thought were alone, I was with you every step of the way."

We still make that long walk from the grave. We still weep and remember and wonder why. But everything is changed now. It may be Saturday for many of us, but thank God, Easter has already dawned across the universe. A bright light shines from the garden tomb. The light slowly chases the darkness away until one day, the darkness will be gone forever.

Child of God, behold the risen Christ! You can never be alone again.

We are Easter people marching from Good Friday through Holy Saturday on our way to Easter Sunday. We're not quite there but we're moving in the right direction.

It's Saturday, but Sunday's coming.

And so every Easter we celebrate the great triple truth of this holy day.

The tomb is empty.
Jesus is alive.
We are not alone.

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