Are You an "Un-Christian?"

Eric Hogue

I want to encourage you to purchase and read a new book entitled "UN-Christian", 'What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity...and Why it Matters.'

What follows is the inside flap; this alone should wet your appetite for more...

The New Testament write Paul told the first-century Christians: "You yourselves are our letter...known and read by everybody." (2 Corinthians 3:2 NIV)

When a person "reads" your life, what does it say? What does your faith look like to outsiders?

A major new research project, unveiled for the first time in this book, describes the increasingly negative reputation of Christians, especially among young Americans.

The research shows that Christians are best known for what thy are against. They are perceived as being judgmental, antihomosexual, and too political. And young people are quick to pint our they believe that Christianity is no longer as Jesus intended. It is un-Christian. It shouldn't be this way.

What Christians believe may not be popular, but Paul also advised the first believers to "live wisely among those who are not Christians" and to "let your conversation be gracious and effective." (Colossians 4:5-6 NLT)

In this eye-opening book, David Kinnamen and Gabe Lyons - along with more than two dozen leading voices within Christianity - unpack the major criticisms leveled against Christians. Understanding why those negative images exist and how you can best represent Jesus to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

Your life is an open book. Is it Un-Christian?