Global Warming and the Culture of Death

Regis Nicoll
 A few days back, Chuck Colson commented on “a misanthropic strain in modern environmentalism. The message is often that there is nothing wrong with the environment that fewer and poorer humans would not cure.”

For those who may have thought that an unfair judgment, there’s this solution to combat the global warming crisis from the land “down under”:

"Parents who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong climate change tax to offset the effect of their extra greenhouse gas emissions, an Australian medical expert has proposed.

They should pay 5,000 dollars (4,400 US) a head for each extra child and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter, according to the plan published in the Medical Journal of Australia."

The reporter’s choice of the phrase “a head” is telling. But there’s more…

“In contrast, contraceptives and sterilisation procedures would be eligible for carbon credits, suggested Professor Barry Walters at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth.”

As it turns out, Dr. Walters is--can you believe it?—an obstetrician! One wonders whether he generates more income from bringing children into the world or keeping them out of the world—all for the health of the mother, of course, and now for the well-being of mother Earth.

And Dr. Walter is not alone. Garry Egger, of the New South Wales Centre for Health Promotion and Research, suggests, "The debate (around population control) needs to be reopened as part of a second ecological revolution."

It's a revolution whose natural conclusion would be the end of the only life form capable of caring about such matters. But it's a revoltuion that the Culture of Death seems intent upon.

...What do you think about the Aussie proposal? Share your thoughts here.