Get on the Bible Bus

Dr. Ray Pritchard

During a major clean-up project last month, Marlene found this pin that we gave away in 2002 when the whole congregation took the challenge to “get on the Bible bus” and read the Bible all the way through. Every Sunday that year I began my sermon with the same question, “So how are you doing?” After the first few times that question always drew a laugh because everyone knew it meant, “Are you still on the Bible Bus?” Along the way some people fell off or dropped off or veered off, but hundreds of people stayed on the Bible Bus and read all the way from Genesis to Revelation.

So here we are in February. How are you doing with your Bible reading this year? Are you still on the Bible Bus or did you jump off by the middle of January? If you’ve gotten behind, don’t worry about it. We are still very early in 2009 so there is plenty of time to hop back on the Bible Bus. That’s the nice thing about reading the Bible. If you get off track, you don’t have to stop. The Bible Bus will stop and pick you up any time, anywhere.

This year I am committed to reading the books of the Bible, not just reading the whole Bible but reading it book by book by book, whole books at a time until I have read the whole thing. So where do I stand after one month? By the end of January I had completed the following books:

1 Timothy
2 Timothy

This morning I will finish 1 Kings and start one of the gospels. And on we go from there.

You still have time to start reading through the Bible in 2009. If you want some online encouragement, check out the One-Year Bible Blog or the Chronological Bible Project. Or you can follow Julie Ferwerda as she goes through the One-Year Bible. All three sites offer helpful commentary for your daily readings. Reading the whole Bible is a worthwhile challenge that can done fairly easily in a year, taking a little bit every day. 

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