Doing Christianity vs. Being Christian

John Shore

Sometimes I think that in our efforts to be all that we can be when it comes to Christ, we make Him entirely too complicated.

As a means of proving that he loves and cares for us, God became a man, absorbed into himself the full cost of every wrong we and any other human would ever do, and then let that eternal debt be obliterated along with the corporeal form he'd assumed. And then---just in case we ever forget or lose touch with that reality---he left in our hearts the Holy Spirit, which is God in his entirety, as near to us as our next thought or breath.

That's it. That's what happened. That's the whole story.

We don't have to do anything about what God did on earth. We don't have to (and can't) improve, embellish, or in any way modify it. And we sure don't have to make ourselves worthy of it. We can't. That's the whole point.

We make God too complicated. One of the main reasons we do that is because the Bible is so extremely complicated that, in order to even begin to grasp its meanings and implications, most of us rely upon someone who studied four years in seminary college just so they could begin to understand and teach the Bible.

The Bible is complicated because history is complicated. Period.

God himself, though, is the ultimate in uncomplicated---and, via the Holy Spirit, is as fresh and new to you as the very moment in time you're reading this.

Don't ever let the complicated busyness of doing Christianity interfere with the peaceful simplicity of being Christian. Never forget that God cares so much about one he gave his life for it, and that for the other he wouldn't give a plugged nickel.

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