Some Suggestions for Church Business Meetings?

Russell Moore

Gerald Harris, editor of the Christian Index newspaper, offers a list of suggestions for Baptist churches to reclaim the hellish, poor witness of so many congregational business meetings.

Harris writes:

No one should speak at the church business meeting who is more conversant with the church constitution/by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order than the Bible. I have known deacons who could quote Article III, Section 4, paragraph 6 of the church constittuion, but couldn’t find the Gospel of John in the Bible.

He further suggests:

A man who is silenced and controlled by his wife should not try to make up for his lack of authority at home by attempting to assert himself and control the church business meeting.” Unfortunately, some men are as bold as a lion at the church conference and as meek as a lamb at home.


I am thankful to serve in a church without rancorous business meetings (and with biblically wise deacons!), but I’ve seen otherwise, up close, and maybe you have also. I’ve got some ideas about how things could be different, but what do you think?