Why God Enjoys Sending Me Haters of Christians

John Shore

This weekend Huffington Post published my "When Bad Emotions Happen to Good Christians."

Publishing anything on The Huffington Post having to do with Christianity is like strapping raw steaks onto your body and jumping into shark-infested waters. You're gonna get hurt.

"You have seen the face of god, but, being a deluded Christian, you cannot recognize the obvious."

"What is a good Christian, anyway? I have lived in Texas for 12 years now and I have yet to see a Christian that is not a self-righteous hate monger . . ."

"We need to dismiss god altogether and get on with our lives as self responsible people, not puppets of an invisible mythical sky-daddy."

"'I'm a Christian' is how Sharon Angle tried to explain her despicable conviction that raped pregnant 13-year-old girls should 'make lemonade.'"

"Let me know when Christians admit they are human--I might be interested in listening ..."

"If the religious nuts had their way, they would burn all the science books and go back to thinking that the Sun revolves around us and that the World is only a few thousand years old and that Man came from dust etc, etc, etc. Oh and if you believe in a sky daddy and give plenty of cash to the church, you will go to heaven, now ain't that a cute fairy tale to tell the kids?"

Those are just some of the comments of that sort left on "Bad Emotions."

Yowzer, man. There sure are a lot of angry people in the world.

The good news is that such comments are not the norm; most people aren't nearly so bilious. And if there's anywhere Christians are going to be blindly attacked, it's on Huffington Post. It's not like I don't know that writing about Christianity on that site is like flamenco dancing in a mine field. I understand going in that I'll come out limping.

Besides, I know it's just God having some fun with me. Because God remembers how much time I spent of my own life thinking and saying the same kinds of hateful, ignorant things about Christians and Christianity that I must now at times endure from others.

When I read comments like the above I get angry, incensed, outraged, indignant.

And then I remember that, alas, fair is fair.


I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments.