90 Percent of Tweens are Playing Games Online

Jim Liebelt

Today's kids are playing games on consoles, computers, portables and online more than ever before. Kids and Games: What Boys and Girls are Playing Today is a new report series launched by M2 Research. Key findings from the report include:

1. Social Networking: Social Networking is increasingly prevalent in children's lives. Facebook is now the favorite website among tween (8-11) boys and teen (12-15) girls.

2. Key Demographic and "Sweet Spot": Online games dominate for boys and girls ages 8-11. 91% of tween boys and 93% of tween girls play games online.

3. Strong Videogame Franchises: Franchises continue to flourish at the top of the "Favorites" list for boys and girls. The videogame franchise girls prefer is the Mario Series, with 20% of girls picking it as their favorite. Boys, prefer Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with 36% of teen boys picking it as their favorite game.

Source: PRWeb