The Latest Drug of Choice for Teens? Nutmeg (Yes, Nutmeg)

Jim Liebelt

I'm not really sure how widespread the use of Nutmeg as a teen drug of choice is, and I'm guessing as a trend, it's not particularly widespread. However, my YouTube search of "Nutmeg High" did reveal 927 video clips. Better to be aware of potential risky trends than to ignore them...

Parents, are you monitoring your stash of nutmeg?

Poison control centres in the U.S. have been receiving calls about children using the spice to get high, and they're now issuing warnings about YouTube and other online videos that show people how to smoke and snort it, CNN reports. As these instructional videos have gone viral, the news network asks: "Is nutmeg the new ‘it' drug?"

Vomiting and severe headaches are a sign of nutmeg abuse, Tami Scarcella, an interventionist with the drug and rehabilitation service A Better Tomorrow, tells CNN.

"The side effects are horrible with doing this," she says, adding that parents should keep a close eye on their spice racks.

Source: The Globe and Mail