
Dr. Everett Piper


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I’ve heard it said that in the end “fools get what they deserve.”


Well, this past week a friend of mine sent me an unattributed quote that went something like this:

The danger to America is not [the leaders they have elected] but a citizenry capable of entrusting [leadership to such men]. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of [certain men] than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such [men as their leaders]. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than [one man in Washington.] [This] is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive [one leader], who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who [chose such leadership in the first place].


Yes, indeed, it is said that in the end fools get what we deserve: That there is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof leads to death; that fools rush in where angels fear to tread; that there are wages for sin; that there are consequences for bad ideas and bad behavior. 


But I’ve also heard it said that if God’s people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear their voice, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Maybe—just maybe—even a multitude of fools can avoid getting what they deserve if they will simply admit their foolishness and recognize that God is God and they are not.