February Freebies #2

April Motl

Join me for an audio message shared at a multi-generational Women's retreat about finding our identity in Christ, how God defines beauty and how to bring all the "uglies" of life before our Father instead of trying to hide them away.

Also, click here for a free download of a list of Scriptures declaring who we are in Christ.


PS--If for some reason the PDF. download link isn't working for you, please sign-up for our weekly e-deovs. All freebie PDF downloads are included in the weekly emails :) You can also follow us on facebook, twitter and pinterest to stay up to date on all the latest February Freebies

 For more encouraging words to help you find your identity in Christ, check out My Reflection in His Eyes: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You--a seven week women's Bible study. “You will be called, ‘My Delight is in Her’... for the LORD delights in YOU! Isaiah 62:4. Discover what it means to be the Lord’s Delight and how to live each day in the light of His love.