The Shield That Never Slumbers

Lori Freeland


But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

(Psalm 5:11-12 NIV)

Today I'm glad God never sleeps.

Last night when I came home from writer's group, the garage door wouldn't go down. I asked Pat to check it.

He forgot. And went to bed.

I thought he checked. And I went to bed.

So the garage stayed open all night--a beacon of vulnerability to anyone who drove down my street. Worse? The door to the house remained unlocked. While my kids slept upstairs.

When I woke up this morning and realized anyone could have walked in my house, I was reminded of how often the Lord protects us and we don't even see what He's done.

Today I'm glad God never sleeps.

I'm glad He watches over me, whether I remember to ask Him or not. I'm glad He never misses anything as crucial as a deadbolt turned the wrong way. I'm glad He sees all the details I miss.

If I can trust Him to protect me when I don't even know I need protection, how much more should I trust Him when I do?

Yet, I have trouble giving my life over.

How will Kyle pay for college? Will he pass the pre-nursing exam? Will he pass his yearly oncology screen? Will Alek finish chemistry and get the required credit? Will he figure out what he wants to do with his life? Will Maddy survive adolescence? Will I survive Maddy's adolescence? Will Pat's job be safe? Will we be able to retire? Pay our bills? Send the other two kids on to higher education? Will I accomplish everything I need to in the time I don' t have?

And the list of will's goes on. We all have a list. A list of concerns, needs,wants, fears and stumbling blocks.

But God says:

For the word of the Lord is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.

(Psalm 33:4)

If I believe the Word, and the Word says He is faithful in all He does, I need to believe it. Even when I forget to ask. He knows what I need. He even knows what I want. And sometimes His blessings include things I never imagined.

That's the most comforting feeling in the world.

And safer than seven deadbolts and a steel garage door.