VIDEO: A Stirring Life Lesson

Jim Daly

We have no idea the impact our random acts of kindness might have on the people receiving the good deed – that’s the lesson found in a beautiful Thai commercial that recently took the Internet by storm.

The ad features the story of a kindly shop owner who has compassion on a young, poor boy caught shoplifting medicine for his ailing mom. The humanity that man consistently shows the downtrodden is eventually returned to him when he needs it most. The commercial speaks for itself, so I’ll include it below, with a thought after the video.

(To watch the video from your pc, click here.) (To watch the ad on a mobile device, click here.)

On its face, the message of this ad is stirring enough. That’s why it’s gone viral and why men and women around the world have been inspired by it.

However, I suspect that, for the Christian, there’s something in this ad that is especially moving. It happens towards the end, when the shopkeeper’s daughter receives the final medical bill that’s been adjusted to zero. In disbelief, she then reads the note in the bill that says, “All expenses paid 30 years ago.”

As a believer, how can one’s heart not go to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross?

Our debt was paid 2,000 years ago. We know firsthand the desperation that comes from having an outstanding bill we were unable to pay – the debt incurred by our sin. We also know the relief and thankfulness that overcomes us when we realized that Jesus Christ took our penalty sin on Himself and paid the price on the cross of Calvary.

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