Hearing God's Song of Love Over You

April Motl

Excerpt from My Reflection in His Eyes

While putting together the details of our wedding, people would occasionally sing the “dun dun dun dun” of the wedding march before inquiring about the progress of the preparations. In my mind I would always hear “here comes the bride, all fat and wide.” And I just couldn’t imagine walking down the aisle hearing “see how she waddles from side to side” in my head. Instead of the “Wedding March,” we played another classical piece that had no first grade school yard lyrics attached to it.

Sometimes, the music of our lives has some rather unpleasant lyrics. In Christ there is freedom to choose what tune will play through your life. In Christ you have the choice to fill your mind with truth that cleanses your past and propels you into the good future God has for you.

Reflect for a moment about some of the truths you have learned about how God sees you… click here to download the rest of this lesson.

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