Move Over Helicopter Parents, Here Come the Lawnmowers

Jim Liebelt

*The following is excerpted from an online article from Inquisitr.

Helicopter parents, the highly involved breed of mothers and fathers that constantly fuss and worry over their children, have been around for a good while. Now, these parents are being superseded by a new breed of parents who are being referred to as "Lawnmower Parents."

Lawnmower parents are an evolved breed of helicopter parents. Instead of just hovering, fussing and worrying for their kids, these parents take matters in their own hands, even before the ‘issue’ reaches their kids. Essentially, lawnmower parents rally ahead and clear a path for their child before they even take a step. Lawnmower parents try to pre-empt possible problems and try and mow down any and all possible obstacles, perceived or realistic, in their child’s way.

According to Primary to High School transition specialist Jenny Atkinson, Lawnmower parents are constantly evolving and unmistakably take on different forms depending on the age of their child and his or hers developmental stage. “During primary school years, lawnmower parents may take on a more aggressive style; pushing their child’s agenda ahead of other children or trying to have consequences for their child’s actions reduced or dismissed.”

During teenage years, lawnmower parents can reach a level of control that is very stifling for their teen, shared Atkinson. Needless to say, teenagers can and eventually do become resentful about being so micromanaged. They become rebellious and constantly try to ‘do it their own way’, she said.

Source: Inquisitr