Somebody Loves You - April 26


Pray for God’s Will

It happened after this that David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I go up to any of the cities of Judah?” And the Lord said to him, “Go up.” David said, “Where shall I go up?” And He said, “To Hebron.” - 2 Samuel 2:1

Underline this verse. David inquired of the Lord. He did not move by himself; he was in the battle; he was a commander; he was one of the greatest fighters; he was a man of blood. David was looking for direction. Saul was dead, but he did not want to rush in. Before he made a decision, he wanted to hear from God. I like that. God’s decision!

Surely, we do not want to make our own decisions without prayer; without asking God. That would be foolish. We want to be in the will of God, so we must ask, “God, what is your perfect will? Should I stand still or should I move?”

Think about the children of Israel in the wilderness with Moses; they followed the Shekinah Glory. When it moved, they would move. When it stood still, they would stand still—that was the leading of God in the Old Testament. Now, in the New Testament, we have the leading of God through the Holy Spirit.

Like David, I think there are important questions we need to ask God, because we need God’s direction in our lives. If we are not walking according to God’s plan, we will be walking according to our will—most likely our flesh. In our own will, or in the flesh, we will not be walking according to God’s plan for our lives and will not be happy with the outcome. All we have to do is inquire of the Lord and He will guide.

To pray effectively we must want what God wants—that and that only is to pray in the will of God.

~A. W. Tozer~

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