The Blessing

Dr. Ray Pritchard

“Everything in our service for the Lord is dependent on His blessing.”

Those are the words of the late Chinese evangelist Watchman Nee in a sermon called “Expecting the Lord’s Blessing.” He goes on to say that blessing is “God working without any cause.” It’s what happens when all you have is five loaves and two fish, and yet you are able to feed 5000 men. He applies the truth this way:

 “Some people should not get a certain kind of result. They should only have a little, but surprisingly they have much.”

How do we receive God’s blessing? My answer is, we must find out what God is blessing and then get involved in that. It’s a big mistake to say, “Lord, here’s what I am doing. Please bless this.” That’s a man-centered approach that never works because it starts with us, not with God. We should instead say, “Lord, show me what you have promised to bless so I can get involved in it.”

God has made it perfectly clear what he plans to bless. In this message, we’ll discover a theme of blessing that flows through the entire Bible. It starts in Genesis 12, continues through the Old Testament, and finds its fullest expression in what we call the Great Commission. God has said, “This is what I will bless. This is my plan, my purpose, my program in the world.” If we want God’s blessing, we must align ourselves with what God has already said he will bless.

For our purposes in this message, I want us to focus on 5 different passages of Scripture. We could look at many more, but these five help us understand God’s plan to bless the nations. This is what Watchman Nee means when he says some have little, but they consistently receive much more from God. If we want that sort of blessing, then we need to know what God has said he will bless.

You can read the rest of the message online

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