Marvel Releases First Trailer for Dr. Strange

Ryan Duncan

It looks like the Marvel universe just got a whole lot bigger. The comic juggernaut just released the first trailer for their upcoming film, Dr. Strange. Though considered one of the label’s lesser-known characters, the new teaser certainly aims to impress. Viewers are treated to mind-bending visuals, sweeping panoramas, and introduced to the film’s main protagonists which include Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Benedict Cumberbatch as the good Doctor himself. Though comic fans should be ecstatic, Christians will be understandably wary.

In the comics, Stephen Strange was a gifted but arrogant surgeon who injured his hands in a tragic accident. Desperate to reclaim his old abilities, Strange went on a globe-spanning quest in search of healing. He was eventually recruited by a mysterious being called “The Ancient One” who instructed Strange in the ways of magic and bequeathed him the title of “Sorcerer Supreme”. Since then, he has served as the mystical guardian of Earth, advising others and battling forces from dark dimensions. Given the heavy themes of magic and sorcery, some believers will no doubt object to the film.

It should be noted though, that the director of Dr. Strange is a committed Christian. Scott Derrickson, who has directed such films as Deliver Us from Evil, has spoken frequently on the spiritual messages his movie conveys.

Quoting Imitation of Christauthor Thomas A. Kempis, Derrickson Tweeted an artistic rendering of the Marvel anti-hero with the question, ‘Who has a harder fight than he who is striving to overcome himself?’”

Do you agree with Derrickson’s assumption? Watch the trailer for Dr. Strange and share your thoughts in the comments below!

*Published 4/13/2016