Crazy God-Given Dreams

~~There’s a movie called, “The Gods Must Be Crazy.” I can’t say I have ever watched the movie, but there are times I feel that way about my God.

Have you ever really looked at the things God asked people to do?

He told Noah to build a huge boat because He was going to send rain from heaven (something that had never happened before) to flood the earth.

He told Abraham to leave his home land and strike out across a foreign land, simply trusting God to lead him. Then He promised to make him a father of many nations, even though he and his wife were well beyond child-bearing age. And after He fulfilled His promise to give them a son, God instructed Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

He gave Joseph a dream, a dream that one day his older brothers would bow down to him, an unrealistic expectation in a culture that valued birth order.

He called Moses from the obscurity of the fields in Midian to lead His people out of their bondage in Egypt.

He led the Israelites to certain death, trapping them between the Red Sea and the approaching army of Egyptians.

He instructed Joshua to march around the impenetrable walls of Jericho, the strangest battle plan ever known to man.

He led David to face a giant known as Goliath with nothing but a slingshot and his faith in God.

He told Elijah to face down the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, calling down fire from heaven to consume the offering placed on the altar.

We could go on and on about the crazy dreams and instructions God gave His people in scripture, and yet we have to follow up with the truth He always came through, He was always faithful to fulfill the God-given dreams.

But what about today? Does God still place crazy dreams on the hearts of men? Does He still faithfully fulfill promises when He gives crazy ideas to His people?

Have you read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson? God has planted dreams in Batterson’s heart. Batterson has committed to praying circles around those dreams and watching as God brings crazy to life. Just look at Ebenezer’s coffee house.

Or read the story of Youth With a Mission in the book Is That Really You, God? See the story of how a ministry was built to send out waves of youth to foreign countries, taking the message of Christ to the world through some of the most amazing and unbelievable circumstances.

My very own church, Life.Church, started twenty years ago with forty people meeting in a garage. Today, it is a multi-site church with over twenty locations and 100,000 in attendance every week.

All around the world are examples of God planting crazy dreams in the hearts of His people…and then, through supernatural circumstances, He makes those dreams a reality.

And now He is planting a dream in my heart.

I am currently participating in the BLAST mentoring program with author Shannon Ethridge. As I’ve been reading the assigned books and watching the videos, God has been stirring within my heart. My dreams are growing. My vision of what God has for me is blowing my mind.

And I find myself feeling as if God must be crazy.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

For as long as I can remember, I’ve longed to be a writer. Over the last few years, I’ve begged God to open doors for me to write and speak full-time. And I believe He will do that in His time.

But what He is showing me is so much bigger. It’s not about money. It’s not about fame. It’s not about being on a stage in front of people.

It’s about meeting the needs of single moms, about caring for the orphans and widows of this century.
Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
James 2:15-16

I long to give hope and encouragement. I long to walk with people through the toughest days of their lives. I long to offer wisdom and direction from someone who has been down the long, hard road.

But I want to do more. I want to provide physical care for those thrust into this journey.

When I was walking through my divorce, my parents were living two hours away from me with my then 98 year-old grandfather. They made the decision to move closer to me, to be available to support me and my kids. And they brought my grandfather with them.

Rather than move into an assisted living center as my parents suggested, Grandpa decided to buy a new home. A brand new home. Sold his home he had lived in for 40 years and used the cash to buy a house.

Shortly after moving into the house, Grandpa became ill. It wasn’t long before he passed away…and his house sat empty.

Can you see where God was preparing the situation for me? When I could barely afford to put food on the table, Grandpa left a brand new house. No mortgage. No rent. A perfect place for me and my kids, right next to my parents.

And that’s my heart’s desire.

I want more than anything to be able to buy houses, to allow single moms and their children to have a place to live rent and mortgage free. I want to provide a nice place to call home in a good neighborhood where the kids can run and play and be kids. I want to give what God has given me.

I want to be a friend, a mentor, a life coach to each family chosen to live in these houses. I want to help them navigate the tumultuous waters of death and divorce. I want to help them learn parenting skills, how to help their children process their grief. I want to help them learn to manage their finances, build a financial future for themselves and their kids.

It’s a crazy dream. I used to dream of writing and speaking and traveling the world. Now my dreams are about pouring myself out, being used to help others. My heart longs to show my faith by what I do.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

I don’t know how or when, but I know God is faithful. I know when He plants a dream, He fulfills it. I know it’s a dream WAY bigger than anything I can accomplish on my own, a dream only He can make happen.

And what about you? What crazy dreams has God planted in your heart? Are you seeking Him, seeking His vision? Are you listening for His directions? Are you positioning yourself so He can make those dreams unfold?

Our God IS crazy. He’s crazy for you. He’s crazy about His glory. He’s crazy about finding ways to point the world back to Him. Will you be a mirror to reflect His glory by letting Him do His crazy work through you?

Exciting days are ahead! Let’s watch in anticipation as God allows His plans to unfold!