Somebody Loves You - June 8, 2017

THURSDAY June 8, 2017

Character Assassination

  For this reason he was hired, that I should be afraid and act that way and sin, so that they might have cause for an evil report,  that they might reproach me. - >Nehemiah 6:13

Sanballat, and Tobiah had instigated a smear campaign to damage and destroy the character of Nehemiah. He was the leader among the Jewish people he had come to help. For him, to run into the temple for safety would show he was a coward. He would be guilty of unbelief. His lack of trust in the Lord would affect all those people under him.

Jealousy was the major sin behind these enemies trying to assassinate Nehemiah’s character. They hated the fact that he had come into the city to make it safe. Nehemiah was making sure there was a strong defense by rebuilding the walls and gates. Sanballat and Tobiah were unable to come into the city whenever they pleased.  That meant they could not harass, threaten, or wipe out the people anymore.

Who is our greatest slanderer? Satan. He is the one who loves to defame and damage your character. He attacks your integrity as a believer.  Have you ever gone to the store and the person checking out your items at the register says “Excuse me, there is not enough funds”?  It is so embarrassing. Those standing in line behind you might say, “Another person who does not pay their bills.” They immediately start thinking evil about your character. Seriously, you know that you always pay your bills, there is money in the bank, but you cannot prove it––it happens all the time.

Yet, Satan would love to bring these kinds of false accusation against you. Why? He would use anything that he can to slander your character, and destroy your ministry. The best way to protect your character is to have no appearance of evil. Keep up your guard!

Abstain from all appearance of evil.
~>1 Thessalonians 5:22~

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