
Doug at Eternal Souls




Thought- Everything can change in an instant- especially when someone you love yells “Earthquake.”

Scripture- “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” -Matthew 7:24-25

Insight: My family and I found out just how fragile life is last week when on back to back days, our house rattled and rolled during two Earthquakes that rocked Southern California. There is something about an Earthquake that makes you feel incredibly helpless and unprepared. No matter how much you think or say you are prepared for an Earthquake, when they actually happen, you realize that is just a façade. Just like it is easier to preach one thousand sermons than it is to live one, actually experiencing in real time an Earthquake rattles your very being to the core. All I could think of when it was happening was, Lord don’t take me now, I still have lots I want to accomplish. But it doesn’t matter what I have left to do or accomplish, when the Lord wants to call me home, I am going, and last week reminded me that it can come at any moment.

So, what is the response? Well, on a practical level it is to buy more batteries and flashlights, have more water and some cash available at all times, and be sure I can survive for a few days on very little if needed. But from a larger perspective, it is to make sure I am walking close to the Lord, praying more than ever before, and maximizing every moment I am given on this earth to both enjoy the family and the blessings I have been given, and to glorify the name of Jesus while I still can. No one is promised tomorrow. And last week reminded me of that very stark reality. Everything can literally change in an instant. Draw close to God and be thankful and grateful for each moment, because we never know what event may be approaching that leaves us clinging to the existence we had, that only moments earlier we felt so sure about.

Prayer: Dear God, nothing gets our attention quite like someone you love screaming “Earthquake.” Help us never forget how fragile this life really is, and so we should live with expectancy and a sense of urgency to accomplish the things you have created us for. I pray for wisdom, discernment and humility in living out the days of my life, fully aware that I am not in control, but that you are! In Jesus name I pray. Amen!