Fear- the dream killer

Doug at Eternal Souls

Fear- The dream killer

The dream killer

Thought- What would you do if money was no object?

Scripture- “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

Insight: What would you do if money was no object? I slowly pondered that question recently and the thoughts that came to mind were plentiful. It would be time to finally do what I wanted most to do, what I was meant to do, but had been kept from doing because I was “stuck” in my current position of fearfully not chasing after it because money was an object. Fear really is the great dream killer and I wrestled with this in my prayers, trying to extricate myself from a mindset of all the reasons why I couldn’t d something, to a position of why I should. Money was the biggest hurdle. But then something else happened. Something much more meaningful and impactful. As I was praying, I heard God whisper to me “then go do it.” Go do it? Are you sure? What if it doesn’t work out? What about the ramifications for my marriage and family? But as I continued through the prayers, I suddenly realized something that seemed so obscure: I was limiting God’s plan by looking at my weak justifications for staying in my “comfort zone” instead of fully trusting in His plan, which required a complete and total surrender, but which also lead to peace. You see, we are all one courageous decision away from our destiny, but it will require us to leave our comfort zones and that is hard. It dawned on me like a bright light that I could be comfortable and still not feel alive because I wasn’t chasing after the dreams that had been welling up in my heart and soul for the past few years. God had a plan for my life, and I needed to follow it.

The scripture above from Psalm 139 revealed to me that when I ask God to “test me and know my anxious thoughts,” that most of them revolved around money or “financial security.” I was not living my dream because fear of loss was crimping it from taking flight. This is a hard battle to fight as we are so accustomed to thinking a certain way, when our true destiny requires something much more, something radical. It requires us to truly die to old ways of thinking of what security really means and instead realizing that security is truly found nowhere else but, in the place, where God most created us to be. The view is hazy, there are no straight lines to our destiny. But we cannot get to second base while we are standing on first. We can’t reach our destiny when we are looking at our own limitations. At some point we must shove off and surrender it all to God and trust that He is worthy of all of our trust. We were built for this!

Prayer: Father God, continue to search me and teach me as you reveal the source of my anxious thoughts, and lead me in the way everlasting. Strengthen me for the journey ahead which requires deeper trust and completely surrender. My destiny is waiting on the other side of one courageous decision. I pray for wisdom in Jesus name. Amen