Spend wisely

Doug at Eternal Souls

Spend wisely

Spend wisely

Thought- “Spending quiet time before the Lord gives you strength for today and hope for tomorrow.” Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture- “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.” Psalm 145:18-19

Insight: how do you spend your time? That is maybe the most critical decision we each have to make. There are a myriad of ways we can spend our time, and each will lead to a different outcome.  Some spend their time worrying, thinking that will lead them to somehow feel like they’re more in control. But Corrie Ten Boom once said, “worry doesn’t remove the problems of tomorrow, it just takes away the strength for today.” I have spent much time seeking leisure and pleasure, and that hasn’t led to great outcomes. Many put their hope in material possessions and spend most of their time chasing down those dreams, only to realize they never quite deliver the promised contentment.

King David, on the other hand, spent much quiet time alone in the presence of God.This led him to pen many of the Psalms found today in the Bible where he shares the comfort, strength and hope he gleaned from his daily sessions of prayer and quiet time with the Lord. His time with the Lord led to producing an eternal fruit factory that is still producing today, some 2,700 years later. He had a beautiful, honest relationship with the Lord where he shared his biggest fears, repented of his biggest sins, made known his regrets and failures, praised God for his biggest triumphs and achievements and humbly laid out his heart’s desire before Him. In the end, David’s only real goal was to draw closer to the Lord every second of every day. We can have that same mindset as David, but God won’t force it upon us. We will have to choose each day how to spend our time but maybe like Kind David himself in Joshua 24:15 we will one day declare “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Prayer: Father God, thank you that you want us to approach you, to spend quiet time in your presence each day so we can have a deep relationship with you. We pray for the strength to put your first in our life even when it isn’t convenient, easy or popular. We seek you because we know you are the only One who can truly give us what we need and what our heart desires. We pray in Jesus name. Amen!