Eternal redo

Doug at Eternal Souls

Eternal Redo

Eternal Redo

Thought- We can become what we always wanted but never received.

Scripture- And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Insight: You are probably wondering what that statement above means right? I mean, it can sound a little weird at first glance. What if we wanted a bicycle but never got one, can we become a bike? I am laughing out loud at that thought myself, but no this doesn’t have anything at all to do with material possessions. Instead, this has to do with what you craved in your soul from someone you trusted who never came through for you, broke your heart, or stuck an arrow through your soul. We all have encounters in our life that don’t go the way we would like in a perfect world. But this is earth, and this is far from a perfect world. Therefore, we are all occasionally ravaged by the effects of living in a broke and sinful world.

Let me explain with a real-life experience of mine. I never had the relationship I desperately wanted with my father. He got divorced from my mom when I was 12, and even though he only moved 30 miles away, I rarely saw him. When I did see him, it was unfulfilling at best and truly sad at worst. My dad drank a lot, simply didn’t show up very often, and when he did, he didn’t know how to dispense any love to me that would provide any type of affirmation that I as a teenage boy was seeking. This left lots of scar tissue for many years in my life and led to a myriad of problems. However, in His infinite wisdom and love, God has given me a chance to make everything right by allowing me an opportunity to be to my children what my dad never was to me. It is an eternal redo! I have found this is often how God works. We get a chance to become the change! We can be bitter about the past or we can be better than what we received and experienced. We get to stop generational sin, or abuse, or whatever in your situation allows you to fill in the blank. When these opportunities arise, instead of perpetuating the pain, grab ahold of God and pray for the strength to be the change. The future will be so much better than the past if we do.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the chance to have do over’s, to make right all the wrongs we have experienced in our lives. We know we need your supernatural strength to achieve these things. I pray in Jesus name for that strength. Amen!