Canada First, the US Next

Dr. Ray Pritchard

An article in today's Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada) warns that Christians may be  marginalized when gay marriage becomes legal in Canada. The article begins this way:

For the churches representing the majority of Canadian Christians, legalization of same-sex marriage will be a sign of the end of Christendom, the 1,700-year-old notion that has defined government in the Western world as devoted to the enforcement of Christian values, says one of Canada's leading theologians.

Christopher Lind of the Toronto School of Theology say that Christians fear persecution for upholding heterosexual marriage as the only legitimate form of marriage once gay marriage becomes legal:

From Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants to Mormons, Muslims and Seventh Day Adventists among others, religious groups are also apprehensive that they may be stripped of their charitable status and other state benefits, penalized by public institutions, branded as hate-mongers and forced into accepting the legitimacy of same-sex unions.

Bruce Clemenger of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada asks a penetrating question: "How will parents impart their values to their children . . . in a society where their definition of marriage is seen to be discriminatory?"

The Canadian pastor who spoke to me in July warned me about these things, and said that while Canada is leading the way, the US won't be far behind. I'm sure he is right, which is one more reason why the election in November matters so much.

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