It's Time to Go to China

Dr. Ray Pritchard

Things to do before we go to China tomorrow . . .

1)      Send sermon out to the email list--Done
2)      Teach Mark 10 on Wed night--Done
3)      Photocopy tickets, passport, visa, DL--Do Thursday AM
4)      Attend First Watch Men's Ministry--Thursday AM
5)      Speak at Funeral Service--Done
6)      Check portable computer--Later tonight
7)      Pack phone list--Will be done
8)      Pack my reading glasses--Will be done
9)      Catch up on email--Done

10)   Update Crosswalk Blog--Done

Marlene and I have both been working our lists for the last several times. We're both basically done. We've got our tickets, our money, our visas, and we've got a ride to the airport. My brother arrived this morning so the team is now assembled. I'm not packed yet but that's not a big deal. A few more things and we're done. It's time to go to China.

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