Choose Life

Mark Daniels

Two important stories crossed on the same newscast this week, and they couldn't illustrate two more divergent paths on the moral highway. As Soth Dakota's governor and congress began the long, laborious process of assaulting Roe v Wade legislatively in America, the Dutch announced a less savory decision: soon, child euthanasia will be a legal option, available to parents and health care professionals in the Netherlands. Adult euthanasia has been a way of life in Holland since 2001, but such would represent the first time a nation has given doctors a green light to kill both born and unborn children.


So it is especially important that some in America are reading the warning signs, and drawing a line in the sand concerning the sanctity of life. For a nation generally chooses life or death, and continues on that path to either strength and stability, or imminent destruction. Unrestricted abortion in the Netherlands was the first then led to euthanasia for the elderly, which devolved into euthanasia for infirm or handicapped children...just as I first told my listeners some 5 years ago. Selective human breeding and cloning can't help but follow.


But in the USA, we've taken a small step away from such horrors. One state, in a nation of 50, has finally shouted, "enough!" Now, it's the abortionists on the defensive and not pro-lifers, for a change. Any step in the direction of severely limiting abortion will move us toward improved adoption opportunities, an emphasis on abstinence rather than safe sex, and a push for adult stem cell research, replacing the drive toward the as-yet-unsuccessful, and patently immoral, embryonic variety.


When a nation chooses life--or death--it takes a step onto one of two separate and diverging paths. One is broad, and leads to a curse. The other is narrow, and leads to a blessing. Choose life, in order that you might live. Both you, and your descendants.*


*Deut. 30:19