John Stott and Jerry Falwell

Dr. Ray Pritchard

9:58 AM Having said that, I love John Stott and agree that he is revered by far more evangelicals than Jerry Falwell. Like all pastors, I have many books by John Stott and use them often, and with great profit. We need more leaders like him. 

9:57 AM Come to think of it, of the major points David Brooks raises about John Stott in terms of the controversial aspects of Christian doctrine, he and Jerry Falwell would be in virtual 100% agreement. So I guess it's a matter of style or presentation.

9:54 AM For the record, I agree with David Brooks about John Stott. My only response is that Jerry Falwell deserves more credit than he's been given. For the last 25 years, he's been willing to go on any talk show anywhere, any time. Plus he's fast on his feet and knows how to mix it up with people from the other side. Certainly he has gone too far sometimes (especially in those unwise post-9/11 comments), but give the man his due. He has been willing to climb into the arena and take the heat. It's easy to criticize him for his mistakes, but we haven't had too many others who were willing to do what he has done.

9:50 AM Do you know who John Stott is? David Brooks thinks you should know him better.

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