Where to Find Online Sermons

Dr. Ray Pritchard

A missionary in Brazil wants to know which sites I recommend for online sermons. The problem in answering that question is that thousands (probably tens of thousands) of pastors put their sermons on the Internet. I have long agreed with W. A. Criswell that in doing expository preaching, the single greatest resource a preacher can have is the sermons of another preacher. We all agree that sermons must begin with personal study and meditation on the text. And we must consult commentaries so we can mine the wisdom of the best scholars of today and yesterday. But there is something very powerful in reading an entire sermon on a text you plan to preach. You can see how the preacher introduced his topic, whether or not he used a bit of humor, how he approached the text, the illustrations he used, the applications he made, and how he concluded. I am very much aware of the ongoing debate about pastors plagiarizing sermons off the Internet. There's a very simple way to avoid that. First, do your own research. Second, look at many sermons, not just a few. When I preached through Genesis 1-11 a few years ago, I decided to download as many sermons on those chapters as possible. I typed in "sermons Genesis" in Google and went from there. In a little over an hour, I had downloaded over 400 full-text sermons. The sermons varied in quality, and to be honest, I never got around to reading many of them. But during that sermon series, I many times found it helpful to see how others pastors developed the same text I was preaching on a particular Sunday. That was three years ago. I'm sure today you could download far more sermons from Genesis 1-11. Obviously the pickings will be much slimmer if you are preaching through Zephaniah, but the point remains the same. The Internet enables pastors to draw water from many wells in a short period of time. I've been putting my sermons online for many years, and I'm always glad to hear that other pastors have found something useful they can use. The amount of useful material I find from online sermons varies from week to week. Occasionally I'll find an outline that appeals to me. More often, it's a sentence that sparks a thought, or a quote I can use, or an application that hadn't occurred to me. Here's a list (in no particular order) of some sermon resources I've found helpful.

Brian Bill
Leith Anderson
John Piper
John Lavender
David Legge
Phil Newton
W. A. Criswell
Alan Meenan
Steve Cole
Harold White
Ray Stedman
John Huffman
Sermons from Genesis to Revelation
Sermon Central
Biblical Studies Foundation

As I have said, there are many, many other good sermon sites on the Internet. But this should be enough to get you started.

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