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Why Moms Matter (Especially When They Don’t Feel Like They Do)

“The best thing you can do for a child is to encourage their mother,” writes Lisa-Jo Baker on Surprised by Motherhood.

In this brief, contemplative article on the vital importance of moms, Baker continues:

Moms matter because they feed us the good stuff. Great big helpings of who we could become. They mix us up into themselves and knead us through with answers we may not want to hear and tears we do not want to cry.

Moms matter because they model courage before we are even old enough to recognize it… Moms matter because their words can crack or cement the foundation of who are – no matter how old we are…Moms matter because they show us by doing.”

She writes of the dying Christ on the cross, who in his dying act took steps to acknowledge and care for his own mother, Mary (John 19-26-27).

“Moms matter because they matter to Him,” she observes.

Are you a mom, or do you know a mom, who is feeling discouraged, alone, unappreciated, or overwhelmed?

Lisa-Jo Baker has more words of encouragement to give in several clips from an interview with It’s Hard to be a Mom, she confesses in one clip. In another, she discusses how Jesus keeps mothers from falling apart during really tough times. In another, she empathizes with the fear and hardships of being a new and inexperienced mom.

Sarah Mae, in an interview with, shares that there is hope for the overwhelmed mom. On, Carey Kinsolving shares an interview with several children who answer the question Why Did God Create Moms? Their youthful, innocent answers are often touching when compared to the ache and depression that sometimes mothers experience (such as, “It's nice to be able to talk about things. I know because I have a mom" or “You might think your mom is old, but really inside, she is a kid just like you").

And in two mother’s day articles on, Daniel Darling offers up A Prayer for Moms, and Rebecca Hagelin warns, Never Underestimate the Power of a Mother. According to Hagelin,

“The take-away message for moms? You have no choice about whether or not you are an influence -- the choice is what type of influence you will be. Your actions and words will either shape your children for good or for bad.”

There’s a lot to ponder here about moms and motherhood! These authors know that motherhood is hard, that we should encourage mothers on their journey, and above all else – that moms matter a tremendous amount, no matter how inadequate a mom may feel. And of course, that famous Proverb reminds us:

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (31:30).

Debbie Holloway is the Family Life Editor at

Publication date: September 24, 2014